Distinguished Guests, Dear Colleagues
Encouraged by the sincere determination to highlight the fundamental factors and elements that represent the premises of local development in the rural areas, we are organizing the 6th edition of the International Conference „Rural Space and Local Development”, on “Peripheral Rural Areas between Certain Existence and Uncertain Development”.
As the entire world is facing globalization, the development process often seems not to perceive “the prospective energies” held both by territory and local communities, which are able to provide a quite significant support for the rural evolution towards progress and welfare.
Since we do not embrace the general approach of a “wild” and fast urbanization, but rather support the modernization of the rural space according to patterns of convergence, harmoniously integrated in the natural frame, our conference proposes to widely open the gates to an interdisciplinary plenary debate. The scientific approaches on the peripheral rural space should focus on various subjects from demographic, economic, infrastructure, ecological to administrative, political and tourist ones.
Holding the same generosity and fellowship, which, hopefully, we have proved during the previous editions, in 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010, and 2012 we kindly invite you to gather our ideas and bring our contribution to a new step forward into the scientific knowledge of the rural space, as well as to a perceptible emphasis on the local development. Much more, this year, our conference focuses on 8 sub-themes, particularized in accordance with the main issues of the Romanian rural peripheral areas, on which participants are able to debate and subsequently agree on practical resolutions, eventually having the opportunity of being successfully implemented.
Our conference activities will take place in Cluj-Napoca. Our colleagues, along with the local public authorities are determined to optimally support all the activities carried out throughout the conference.
The 6th edition of the International Conference “Rural Space and Local Development” is dedicated to the 33nd Congress of IGU, which will be held in 2016, Beijing, China.
We, hereby, welcome you to attend the conference!
Conference sub-themes are the following:
- Theoretical and methodological approaches of the concept of peripheral rural areas
- Local communities in peripheral rural areas. Status, dynamics, tendencies
- Management of settlements and resources in peripheral rural areas
- Environmental reconstruction and preservation in peripheral rural areas
- Economic activities in peripheral rural areas
- Policies and practices for the development of peripheral rural areas
- Traditional vs. modern in peripheral rural areas
Tourism – alternative economic activity in peripheral rural areas